My apologies dear readers, I've been slacking. I just checked and it's over a month since I last wrote - where did that time go? Well, I took on a new role at work, celebrated Patrick's 10th birthday, participated in a leadership course, attended a friend's book launch (more on that in a future post), and completed two more rounds of chemotherapy. So, y'know, it's not like I've been twiddling my thumbs!
(I hope you've all been working on the basis that 'no news is good news'.)
The last round of chemo (3 of 6) was a little tougher than the couple before. I was far more nauseous and fatigued (and I believe a little less conversational!), but I bounced back fairly quickly and was back at work by the middle of the following week. I do have the feeling that I'm more fortunate than many cancer patients I've read and heard about, who are completely incapacitated during chemotherapy treatments. Anyway, we're half-way through and I'm starting to think about life post-treatment.
When I started the blog in 2009, I called it 'Notes from Here and There' to write about the weird and wonderful places I was visiting as part of my job in Audit . My fervent hope is that this space returns to that idea in the spring. (If you're not a big reader of travel blogs then I won't be offended if you don't tune in!) The last round of chemo should be in February, then my oncologist has said that my immune system will take a month or so to recover, so I hope to start travelling again in April or May. Excited doesn't even come close!
One part of my new role (one of four Team Leads - less actual risk assessment, more coaching and planning) is organising which auditors go out to which global projects. I remember the immense excitement I felt in early 2010 when my Team Lead told me I would be going to India and Australia within a couple of months of each other. Now I'm on the other side of that conversation, it's both a pleasure to see colleagues' reactions (unless they're going to Iowa!) and a source of frustration as I want to be out there with them.
We do have a little trip coming up in a few weeks time. We need to go to Vancouver to renew our US visas. I'm already thrilled about the possibilities of seeing a city that I haven't been to before and is reportedly very beautiful. It always seems to appear in those lists of 'top 5 great cities to live'.
I'll finish with a great shot of Patrick and his friends at his birthday celebration, all finding it hilarious to shout 'fart' at just the right moment!
ps. A big shout out to my two readers in Bosnia & Herzegovina this month(or my one reader who read the same post twice!). Zdravo, kako ste?