Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New challenges

When I said at the end of the last post that I would face future challenges with courage, I wasn't trying to invite them! Yet, this week a new one arrived.

I spent Monday afternoon in the emergency room as I'd developed a rash over the weekend which I assumed was an adverse reaction to the new drugs I was taking. It turned out to be shingles. Great!

Apparently the chickenpox virus (varicella zoster - my medical vocabulary increases by the week) lies dormant in the body until the immune system is weakened and then comes back as shingles. Of course in my mind this leads to an image of the virus (below) hiding out somewhere (maybe behind a knuckle or something...who'd think of looking?) until just the right moment, then "RAAAAGGH! Here...have some shingles!"
(This is how everybody thinks, right?)
So, the surgeon called last week to confirm that we should go ahead with the op to remove the second lesion. We met yesterday to discuss the details but ended up postponing because of this week's drama. I'll probably have that surgery towards the end of April. This one is in a slightly trickier position in the brain than the first one, but he's confident that he can perform a clean resection without a high risk of damage to crucial brain tissue. Then, the results of the biopsy will determine what further treatment, if any, is necessary. A couple of goals that I've set myself to aid the recovery are 1) to be back up on the wakeboard before the end of July; and 2) to complete the cycling leg of an Iowa triathlon in early August.

I'll sign off with the boys (typical) views on my shingles rash:
Patrick: "I don't want to see it"
Richard: "It's like a galaxy"- he's obviously still got space on his mind.


  1. Oh no! What a bummer. Shingles are supposed to be painful! (in case you didn't notice). Love both Patrick and Richard's comments. Rest up and make those green guys go dormant again where they belong. xx - Carla

  2. Hey bruv!
    When we wished for more blog posts we weren't inviting little green bugs either! I didn't know shingles lay dormant, I thought it was exposure to chicken pox that brought it on. Hope the meds ( my new word) are doing the trick and easing the pain. I bet you just get on with the op, and recovery now- I know how impatient you can be! I'm loving the summer goals too!
    Hope you see off the little green gremlin soon, and get back to your healthy self. Oh and I think they got the song wrong. I rather think it should be 'Thank heaven for little boys' cos we have two of the best in Patrick and Richard!
    Lots of love to you all
    Michelle xxxx

  3. hey bazza is this attention seeking or what for goodness sake is there anything else you can get to add to your list ...... :)
    shingles eh ouch i have heard they can be painful
    as for the surgery i know how much you did not want that, but its just one of your hurdles you will get over with the courage you have shown so far and the love and support of your family and friends around you
    sorry i thought that little green monster was your latest pic and that the drugs had maybe tinted your skin a bit, most humble apologies
    anyway its good to see you setting those goals, i bet you cant wait to get back onto the lake (make sure you get dainty & marlor to help prepare the boat and keep them off the booze you know what they are like
    well better go and do some work
    as usual keep fighting, keep smiling and keep positive
    luv to you all
    carol xxx

  4. I am slightly concerned as to whether these new drugs contain hallucinogenic properties now that you are imagining little green men! You have probably seen enough men in white coats without inviting more in!

    I love that your sense of humour remains intact, despite yet more trials to cope with. I am sure the boys' comments keep you cheerful. Love your summer goals too (not a pun on you bringing the joys of British football to American soccer either!) We are all behind you spurring you on Barry.

    Love you all lots.

  5. hey barry, im just catching up..ya know theres a program on here at the mo, called MONROE, its about a brain surgeon and he says to give the tumour a name of a person who you really hate so you see it as an enemy - i doubt you even have one person who you hate, i dont think thats in your nature so youre a bit knackered on that score..! but if you have, maybe its a thought..and there can only be one winner in this fight, and it HAS to be you...youve got far too much to do mate so keep the goals going, and that positive approach will definitly be helping you and those around you.
    the saying is right..when the going gets tough, the tough get going...u cud do without the shinglys though for sure..u wanted two way conversation so some news, jens 20 !! on wednesday this week can you believe where that times gone,i went to her fitness class yesterday - she can get that class to shake their touche for sure, i can barely walk today hehe it was fun though..we are thinking about you and the fambo laceyxx
