Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A lemon on sticks

The steroids that I'm currently taking, to prevent swelling on the brain, also bless me with a bloated face and rounded belly, and my legs still haven't filled out to their former mighty proportions! My surgeon, never a man to mince his words (great when you want your diagnosis in no-nonsense terms, not so great when he's describing your new appearance!) said that, among the medical profession, this look is known as  'lemon on sticks'. Great!

Anyway, the purpose of the meeting today was for him to check that the scar infection has healed correctly (it has) and that I can re-start radio/chemo-therapy from tomorrow (I can).

Here's the last of the beautiful Fall photographs, from a great walk that Anna and I took last week...


  1. ha ha love that description, surely its not that bad. with the vision of you in your million dollar man outfit, doing yoga and looking the shape of a lemon is not doing much good for your image :)

    so the treatment starts again, great news

    i hear from annas email you are still doing all the right things to keep strong and fight this, make sure you keep it up

    well work time so better go

    luv to all

  2. Good luck with the beginning of your treatment, Barry! Nice to see surgeons keep the humour going despite the difficult nature of their job. Perhaps you could use your time in their hands to tap into this whole secret vocabulary thing they clearly use when describing different stages of their patient's progression. Clearly they know something that we don't... Could you equally come up with some descriptive phrase to sum up that "typical surgeon" look?

  3. Oops, forgot to sign... Rach xx

  4. Go ahead.... Brave heart!!!!!

  5. Hey bruv!
    Hope your first couple of days back on the treatment have been ok. If I ever meet your surgeon I shall still give him a big hug, despite him labelling my brother as a piece of fruit! I'm so glad it's systems go again, especially as you're heading into it with endless positivity!
    I shall catch up with you later, tons of love from
    moi xxxxxx
