Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A short birthday message

When I suggested that I might post today as it's my birthday, Anna asked me who I thought I was..."the Queen?".

Anyway, I just wanted to check in and say that today was a good day. I was given some wonderful gifts this morning from Anna and the boys. A mug and coasters personalised with the boys artwork from school were particular highlights.

I went to pick up a few new dvd's under the "movie-expert" eye of my Dad. We then spent a very pleasant hour or so sitting in the sun on the dock and catching up on family talk. Just meeting the boys from the school bus is a small highlight of these days. Dinner at a good Irish pub in Excelsior, complete with Guinness ("for strength" so the old ads say) rounded off a good birthday. Here's a few photographs from the day...

I also wanted to thank you all for the continued comments, book recommendations, and messages of support - it makes this blog as fun for me to read as it is to write.


  1. Oh hey! The photos of you and the fam are gorgeous. Three generations of Mongans all together on you birthday...you should feel like the Queen! Glad to hear Anna's keeping you honest. :) Your dad had a great smile and it's so great the weather held out for his visit. I hope I get to see him while he's here. Keep the postings coming. Here's to Guinness for good health, Baz!! Love ya xoxo. Carla

  2. Your Royal Highness,
    It was lovely to read this over a bowl of Frosties-a great way to start the day...your blog, not the cereal! It looks like you had a great day and Dad is clearly chuffed to be sharing it with you! Enjoy the DVDs - let us, your avid readers, know what they are like- you're not called Barry for nothing! (...Norman? Film critic? Yes ?)
    sending lots of love and positive energy to top up the goodness of Guinness
    love Michelle xxx

  3. Looks like a fab day, and you look amazing, think i expected you to be wearing ya pj's and slippers with a great big bandage on ya head :-)

    Photos are really lovely, looks like great time was had by all, and a guinness for medicinal purposes of course how great.

    Catch up soon
    luv to all

  4. you look like a movie star...damn you, you're ageing better than me! It sounds a good birthday mate. keep supping the black stuff...it puts hairs on your chest...no wait, that's crusts...guiness must put hair somewhere else!!
    stay strong & keep smiling bud.
    big hugs


  5. Amazing!! Excelsior, wow brings back memories!! You all look incredible, Anna I can tell you've got the ghd's now, and Richard looks....clean?!
    Keep up the great work, Barry.
    xxx Rach

  6. Sorry I couldn't stay just one more day to share it with you, but I was there with you in spirit. Pleased you are having some quality time with your Dad and hope that the positive effects of the Guiness are long lasting. Love you lots Mam xxxx

  7. Hey you, ser principe es mejor que ser 'queen'. You look great and I love the smile. Love you lots - XXX. Gisselle, Gabriella and Marcus

  8. Hey Barry,
    You are looking great! I'm glad to see you are enjoying the outdoors and some time at Jakes with your Dad. This will be a great weekend with the weather again...enjoy. Happy Birthday!
    Barry and Carmen

  9. Good to see you looking so good

    Glad you are helping Ireland's Balance of Payments, we need all the money we can get

    Keep up the good work


  10. Hello Barry

    We are so glad to see you looking so well.

    This is just a short message to let you know that you are always in our thoughts over here.

    You must remember to drink a pint to celebrate 'Arthur's' day tomorrow at 17.59 precisely. Apparently, it's supposed to be a world-wide event.

    Love to Anna and the boys.

    Hugh and Agnes

  11. Hi Barry,
    Didn`t know it was your birthday yesterday. It looks like you had a good one. Keep it up. Arthur`s day is particularly important in our family. Our Daddy worked in Guinness, as did most of my brothers in their school holidays. I`m not sure about Henry but I think he may have. Know that you are in our prayers and thoughts.


  12. Dear Barry,
    Great photos-you look great, your dad looks great, Anna and the boys look great - but the Guinness....!!

    We must sample another one or two (as I have before in the same pub) when I get across,
    See you soon and keep up the good work,

