Following on from last week's comment about hair loss, it finally arrived in earnest this week. I guess I lasted well for the first three weeks of treatment, but this week it started coming out in clumps and I had to finally submit to the hair clippers. Here's a picture from a couple of days ago, although even more has fallen out since then. Oh well...
I had another great insult from my radiation oncologist this week. We were talking through current drug doses and he suggested that I could lower the steroid dose a little more. Great! When I said that I hoped that might help to get rid of the 'lemon on sticks' look (remember...skinny legs and fat belly), he said "yes, and the buffalo hump" (an additional layer of fat that accumulates at the back of your neck due to the steroids). These doctors are just great at boosting self-esteem! I have a very fragile ego y'know!
Nurse Anna has turned her attention to our dog, Maxi, this week. About a year ago he tore the cruciate ligament in one of his back legs, and although we've tried to manage it with drugs and less exercise, it's been clear in the last couple of months that we had to take the plunge and have the surgery. So, he had the op yesterday and joined me in the titanium parts club (bionic dog?). He's recovering well and we should have him back to full strength in 8-10 weeks.
At least it will mean less time out in the snow this winter - for him and us! The snow arrived last weekend, with an initial downpour of 6-8 inches and, although it's mostly melted now, it's clear that we're in for a looong winter this year.